
clear glass jar
Father God, thank You that we have T.I.P. from Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ, and not e.g.o. trip. This God Sonnet was inspired by the Bible Verse: “He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him; and by His Stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). His Three for our own three (t.i.p.) taken upon Him. It was our three (t.i.p.) obliquities (“the quality of being deceptive”) that “by His Stripes, we are healed.” It was our three (t.i.p.) antiquities (“extreme oldness”) that “by His Stripes, we are healed” and now New. Need a T.I.P.? No e.g.o. trip! On a more personal note, i had a lot of fun playing with the bolding of this God Sonnet with prayer. Bolding words is one of my favorites. Why? Because some things as a writer just have to be bolded and when referring to Jesus, all things related to Him need to be bolded (capitalized, as well😉). Take a trip away from e.g.o. and just get traveling (“going”) with T.I.P. from Jesus. i pray all of this in the Wonderful and Precious and Three (T.I.P.) Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above every other name including my own name. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are my own three and not His Three (T.I.P.). Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i cope to hope [BOTH] in T.I.P. from Jesus this daily leavened bread.”)

t.i.p.? He was wounded for your transgressions.

t.i.p.? He was bruised for your iniquities.

t.i.p.? Chastising Him for your peace sessions.

T.I.P.? His Three for your three obliquities.

t.i.p.? He was wounded for my transgressions.

t.i.p.? He was bruised for my iniquities.

t.i.p.? Chastising Him for my peace lessons.

T.I..P.? His Three for my three antiquities.

“Need a T.I.P.? I took Three for their own three,”

says Jesus. “they wounded ME for their sin.

they bruised ME for their own iniquity.

they chastised ME for their peace now within.”

By His Stripes, we are healed of e.g.o. trip.

By His Three, our three taken by Him. T.I.P.?

(picture by photographer, Sam Dan Truong, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/-rF4kuvgHhU)

old is through….New!

renew sign on garden
Father God, thank You that old is through….New! This God Sonnet was inspired by the Bible Verse: “Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the Image of Him, who created him” (Colossians 3:9-10). Old is through….New! New in the Image of Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. Christ kNew we’d put off the older of the old us, so the pursue and Look Up To (BOTH). Christ kNew we’d be reNewed, so the include and the gratitude (BOTH). Old warranty is expired….New! we put off anything not of Holy; we put on everything of Holy Love. Why? Old is through….New! On a more personal note, i gave my testimony last night at Celebrate Recovery. As so nervous as i was in the beginning (Genesis), as so healing as it was at the end (Revelation). Why do i think it was healing? At the end of the testimony, i took off my green honor beads of personal struggle with suicide and hung them on the stand in front of me, asking if anyone in the audience had a personal struggle to please come up and receive these beads. When we were dismissed, i Looked Up To the stand and the green beads were gone (old is through)! I left the beads there as my personal struggle with suicide is “old is through” (Revelation) and i am New (Genesis). Someone took those beads because their personal struggle with suicide is “old not through,” and they desperately need New. God bless that someone of “old not through,” and God bless me for being boldly and courageously (BOTH) New. Yes, reNew, as the picture informs us. i pray all of this in the Wonderful and Precious and reNew Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above every other name including my own name. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are “old.” Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i hope to cope [BOTH] in the older of the old me is through….New! [this daily and every daily leavened bread].”)

the older of the old you is through….New!

The Newer of The New you is reNewed.

Christ kNew you’d put off old, so the pursue.

Now you put on the New, so the include.

the older of the old me is through….New!

The Newer of The New me is reNewed.

Christ kNew i’d put off old, so Look Up To.

Now i put on the New, so gratitude.

“the older of their old them is through….New!”

says Jesus. “New them is reNewed in ME.

them according to My Image….who knew?

I kNew I’d reNew their old warranty.”

we put off anything not of Holy.

we put on Holy Love. old is through….New!

(picture by photographer, Tim Mossholder, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/AA9jQIT1NPQ)


woman in blue and white long sleeve shirt holding white book
Father God, thank You that we rest in testimony. Thank You that we rest in the Testimony of Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. What is His Testimony? That we rest in His Testimony that is our Testify, that we rest in This, rest in tests, rest most in HIM. Look what good God has done for us. Going through and enrollee in (BOTH) these tests, we rest, rest in HIM, not us black-and-blue and control key (BOTH). If we fight in these tests, we won’t rest in HIM. If we try to control in these tests, we won’t rest in HIM. And don’t we all need rest in HIM right about now? On a more personal note, i am giving my testimony tonight at Celebrate Recovery, the sharing and hearing (BOTH) of this 4 for this 3: (1) who i once was, (2) what happened, and (3) who i am now. Did i fail to mention how nervous i am? i shared this nervousness with my therapist, Mark, and his reply was, “Just be yourself.” i replied, “Yeah, just be me!” i’ll be enough tonight for my Good GOD, resting most in HIM. Even if i’m not enough tonight, i can only be the best me God made me to be. Even if one (or none) in the audience hear my testimony, this one (4) heard that one call from God to give my testimony tonight. Maybe the testimony is this test I just wrote about? Maybe i’m going through and enrollee in (BOTH) this test and maybe not black-and-blue and control key (BOTH) but just rest in this, rest in this test, rest most in HIM? Maybe my testimony tonight is His Testify? Maybe my testimony is this clipboard picture for this sonnet: “Only Jesus?” Maybe, maybe, maybe…. i pray all of this in the Wonderful and Precious and Testimony/Testify Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above every other name, including my own name. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are not Testimony/Testify. Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i cope to hope [BOTH] in my testimony is His Testify, rest in This, rest in test, rest most in HIM, maybe this daily Testimony/Testify bread?”)

you rest in the testimony of you.

you rest in what good God has done for you.

you rest in the tests you’re still going through.

God said rest in Him, not you black-and-blue.

i rest in the testimony of me.

i rest in what good God has done for me.

i rest in the tests i’m still enrollee.

God said rest in him, not me control key.

“Rest in My Testimony for them,”

says Jesus. “It is Good GOD done for them.

My Testimony is their Testify.

Rest in This, rest in tests, rest most in HIM.”

we rest in Trinity matrimony.

we rest in tests, rest in testimony.

(picture by photographer, Hannah Busing, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/2IqKGn0pee4)


black and yellow beetle perched on purple flower in close up photography during daytime
Father God, thank You for the Fragrance of Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. This God Sonnet was inspired by the Bible verse: “We are to God the Fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (2 Corinthians 2:15). We give off and emit (BOTH) the Fragrance of Christ for the praised and perishing/saved and succumbing (4 for BOTH). It is Jesus Who we are cherishing and “in”coming when we produce the Fragrance of Christ. How do we do this? Scent of LOVE, so profuse and so Above (BOTH). “Do everything ‘in’ LOVE” (1 Corinthians 16:14). When we are ‘in” LOVE with Jesus, we are the very Fragrance of Christ for those who need Jesus. And let’s face it….we ALL need Jesus! If not for the Cross and Christ Sacrificed (BOTH), no Scent of LOVE from the Fragrance of Christ. That we pained Him, that we gained the Fragrance of Him. On a more personal note, what a splendid day was yesterday when I walked Acadiana Walks for suicide prevention, having raised the goal set for donations, and when I met with good parents and good friends (BOTH) for fellowship and a vegan chocolate raspberry cake! God was all miracles yesterday in my daily leavened bread, many I desire to share with you if you be of the interest. And on an even more personal, SAVE THE BEES! As the picture informs us, only one bee for the fragrance is the “in”coming of ALL bees extinct. man-made pesticides are killing ALL bees, soon to be extinct because we are tampering with the delicate balance of ALL God’s Creation. If we kill ALL the bees, then we kill ALL God’s Creation. Read more about saving bees and signing petitions to save them at: https://savebees.org/petitions/. i pray all of this in the Wonderful and Precious and Perfumed Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above every other name, including my own name. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are “stink.” Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i cope to hope [BOTH] in the Fragrance of Christ produced for the scent of LOVE to ALL God’s Creation this daily leavened bread.”)

To them, you give off the Fragrance of Christ.

To them, perfumed for praised and perishing.

To God, you’re in Him a Cologne of Christ.

To God, you’re in Him Who you’re cherishing.

To them, i emit the Fragrance of Christ.

To them, savored for saved and succumbing.

To God, i’m in Him a Bouquet of Christ.

To God, i’m in Him Who i’m “in”coming.

“I AM the Fragrance that they must produce,”

says Jesus. “How they do this? Scent of LOVE.

To GOD, they’re in ME a LOVE so profuse.

To GOD, they’re in ME a LOVE so Above.”

If not for the Cross and Christ Sacrificed,

no Scent of LOVE from the Fragrance of Christ.

(picture by photographer, Dustin Humes, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/mfU_X7oC_xE)

the praying perSON

green praying mantis on grey surface
Father God, thank YOU that we are the praying perSON. We pray always and often (BOTH) to YOU through YOUr SON and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. This GOD Sonnet was inspired by the Bible Verse: “In the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place, and there He prayed” (Mark 1:35). In the morning, in the daylight, throughout the day, even at night, we are the praying perSON. When mourning and uptight (BOTH), we go out, depart, and then YOU in, arrived, all because we sought pray and birthright (BOTH). When plod and stray (BOTH), we go out, depart, to a solitary place, and there we pray to YOU. If not we pray, how will it all worsen. But if we pray, how hoped the praying perSON. Speaking of “birthright” and on a more personal note, today i am 55 years old (like that number even matters🤷‍♂️) and 55 years ago, GOD found it necessary to bring my body and spirit (BOTH) here. How i found it necessary for so long to go out, depart, from here. How GOD found it necessary for so long for GOD in, arrived, even when i did not pray. How as it all worsened, the praying perSON, Jesus, found it necessary for so long to pray for me until it was finally time to go find me. “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4). “I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance” (Luke 15:7). These Bible verses are my spiritual and “body” birthday today, this daily leavened bread. Jesus prayed and finally left the 99 to go find me, even when I did not pray or ask to be found. What a spiritual birthright! What a “body” birthday! And as the picture informs us, if a praying mantis can pray, how much more valuable are we to pray as the praying perSON? (NOTE: Please bear in mind that a praying mantis IS valuable to pray to God, as well). i pray all of this in the Wonderful and Precious and THE Praying PerSON Name of Jesus Christ, the NAME above every other name, including my own name. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are not the praying perSON. Amen.

(GOD’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i cope to hope [BOTH] as the praying perSON on my spiritual and “body” [BOTH] birthday today, this daily leavened bread.”)

you’re a praying person in the morning.

you’re a praying person throughout the day.

Go out, depart, pray while you are mourning.

God in, arrived, all because you sought pray.

i’m a praying person in the daylight.

i’m a praying person even at night.

Go out, depart, pray while i am uptight.

God in, arrived, all because my birthright.

“I AM a praying perSON to My GOD,”

says Jesus. “My FATHER and ME BOTH pray.

they are to BE praying perSON when plod.

they are to ME praying perSON when stray.”

If not we pray, how will it all worsen.

If we pray, how hoped the praying perSON.

(picture by photographer, Steven Van Elk, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/3cZsam_RnG0)


white sheep on white surface
Father God, thank You that even stupid things, we’re three-strand cord (You; Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ; and us). This God Sonnet was inspired by the Bible Verse: “If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord” (Romans 14:8). As i wrote this God Sonnet, I was also inspired by the Bible Verse: “And though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly (easily) broken(Ecclesiastes 4:12). even stupid things, three-strand cord. we are restored and adored (BOTH) as this three-strand cord is not quickly (easily) broken. we have this three-strand cord to live and die ME, as Jesus is quickly (easily) for the unspoken us. On a more personal note, this God Sonnet was inspired by my getting hacked yesterday on my Facebook account. the enemy had a field day with me yesterday, calling me SO stupid. the enemy told me that only stupid people get hacked, and that i was one of those stupid people. But what did the Lord have to say about that? “you’re not stupid, timothy. you’re actually very smart. you’re also very trustworthy and, yes, gullible but also vulnerable. you’re not afraid to write and creatively express exactly where you are at every given moment. you believe the best of people even when they are at their fail the fast/miss the most (BOTH). no one thinks you’re stupid, and certainly I, Lord, King of Kings, would NEVER in a million lifetimes think you are stupid.” Now, if that’s enough for the Lord, it certainly is enough for me, yes, even stupid things. And on an even more personal note, that sheep in the picture who added “2+2=5,” i would NEVER in a million lifetimes call stupid. Why would i care if the sheep couldn’t do math? All i care about is that the sheep has love, compassion and mercy (three-strand cord) extended to him or her. i pray all of this in the Wonderful and Precious and King of Kings Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above every other name, including my own name. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are even stupid things. Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i cope to hope [BOTH] the three-strand cord of God, Jesus, and me, is not quickly [easily] broken this daily leavened bread.”)

even stupid things, you live to the Lord.

even stupid things, you die to the Lord.

even when you fail the fast, three-strand cord

of God and Jesus and you is restored.

even stupid things, i live to the Lord.

even stupid things, i die to the Lord.

even when i miss the most, three-strand cord

of God and Jesus and me is adored.

“even stupid things, they live and die ME,”

says Jesus. “Three-strand cord is not broken.

even stupid things, they’re not easily

broken, as quickly for the unspoken.”

we live and die to the Lord, King of Kings.

we’re three-strand cord, yes, even stupid things.

(picture by photographer, Michal Matlon, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/4ApmfdVo32Q)


Father God, thank You that we are Mighty (Wo)Men because of You and Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. This God Sonnet was inspired by the Bible Verse: “The LORD shall go forth like a Mighty Man; He shall stir up His Zeal like a Man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies” (Isaiah 42:13). As i wrote this God Sonnet, i became inspired by this Bible Verse: “‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the Heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their Righteousness is from ME,’ says the LORD” (another Isaiah 54:17). we are Mighty (Wo)Men because of Your Zeal and Zest (BO)TH, Father God. we can cry this out, shout this out aloud. we keep this appeal and at rest. Why? Because You Allowed and Avowed (BO)TH us Jesus. (no)one single weapon from the enemy shall be able to war against us. Why? Because by His Mighty, we are Mighty (Wo)Men! when the enemy shouts (and the enemy will most definitely shout), we cry out His (Him)Hymn. On a more personal note, I dedicate this God Sonnet to my brother in Christ, Bryan. Every time he sees me at work, he says, “Timothy! There’s that mighty man of God!” I know Bryan knows, same as i know, that i can ONLY be a Mighty (Wo)Man by my Mighty Jesus. Bryan is a Mighty (Wo)Man, as well, and he is also a great encourager of Jesus. Please visit his Facebook page, Encouragers of Jesus Christ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1819716981611569), to see just how encouraging he and his group are in the Name of Jesus. On an even more personal note, i am ONLY a Mighty (Wo)Man by my Mighty Jesus when i am extremely “Mighty” as a nonhuman animal welfare advocate for God. Thank you, as well, to the Mighty (Wo)Man in the picture loving up on the unconditional love from their precious doggie. “i know that’s right!” That’s another thing that encourager Bryan says to me all the time.😉 i pray all of this in the (Wo)nderful and Precious Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above very other name, including my own name. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are not “Mighty.” Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how I cope to hope [BO]TH in being a Mighty [Wo]Man of Jesus Christ, [no]one single weapon of the enemy formed against me shall prevail [‘i know that’s right!’], this daily leavened bread.”)

you are a mighty (wo)man of God’s Zeal.

you can cry this out, shout this out aloud.

you will prevail when you keep this appeal.

the enemy can’t war what God Allowed.

i am a mighty (wo)man of God’s Zest.

i can cry this out, shout this out aloud.

i will prevail when i keep this at rest.

the enemy can’t war what God Avowed.

“they are Mighty (Wo)Men because of ME,”

says Jesus. “(no)weapon formed against them

wins what I (Wo)n for them by My Mighty.

when the enemy shouts, cry out My (Him)Hymn.”

we know that’s right! (no)one single weapon

can war against Him as Mighty (Wo)Men!

(picture by photographer, Chewy, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/fGxiRXr2oZg)


November 13th is the day God brought me into this world. Wouldn’t you know on that exact day is Acadiana Walk, supporting the cause to fight suicide together? ONLY God could have planned that out with His Most Excellent Timing!

I have registered this cause, and I am very happy and blessed (BOTH) to report that i have reached the goal of raising $150 (actually, at this point, it is $3 over that goal!). i will be there at Acadiana Walk on November 13th and, if you are in my area, i do pray you will walk this important walk together with me.

As the picture informs, my honor beads are green, “personal struggle/attempted suicide.” I feel I would bore you with the details of this struggle and attempt (BOTH), but I will say that God rescued me time and time again from this. Why? Because God loves me that much. God loves me enough to not see me go out of this world like that. God had a Good Plan and Purpose for my life all along, yet I wanted to thwart that Good Plan and Purpose. You might feel some of this struggle and attempt (BOTH) in your mind, heart and soul and, if you do, feel free to share this with me if so inclined. They say in Celebrate Recovery circles that ‘God never wastes a hurt.” God did not waste these hurts of mine, for He has called me to be a testimony for those with the same struggle and attempt (BOTH).

And speaking of Celebrate Recovery and testimony, I will be giving my testimony at Celebrate Recovery on November 15th at The Bayou Church. There, I will share all of what God “never wasted a hurt” on me. Why? So I can heal the hurting who will be a witness to this testimony. Might i reach just one mind, heart, and soul of someone in the audience the night of my testimony? ONLY God can know if “never wasting a hurt” on me reaches just one someone in the audience who thinks God is wasting their own hurting.

If you can donate to this important cause, here are the links for the same:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1282672075490755/10159962631018057

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP): https://supporting.afsp.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=2560105

If any of the above links are not allowing you to donate, please let me know and will see what is up with that. I feel it’s important that i go above and beyond the reached goal. Why? Because God went above and beyond to reach me in my hurting and brought me to a testimony for my healing and their healing and all for His Glory!

And as the picture also informs, let us celebrate the lives of BOTH humans and nonhuman animals.

God bless all, and love and blessings to you,

timothy j. verret

in tHis way….His Way

brown duck in close up photography
Father God, thank You that in tHis Way….His Way, the ONLY Way of Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. tHis God Sonnet was inspired by tHis Bible Verse: “Good and Upright is the Lord; therefore He teaches sinners in The Way” (Psalm 25:8). tHis God Sonnet got me inspired in tHis way by tHis Bible Verse: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4). we have Upright and Good (BOTH) in tHis way….His Way. we manage/climb by tHis Might, and we endure/connect for tHis Could (lots of BOTH). we soar/love ourselves by tHis Light, and we persist/witness for this Would (lots of BOTH). It’s not we in we; it’s ME in us. So near IS Jesus but also so Him IN us. He holds us tHis Way to hold His Truth for our every tear. He holds us tHis way to hold His Grace for our every grim. BOTH! Speaking of “every tear” and on a more personal note, I hold the tear of my ducky friend in tHis picture. Why? Because in tHis Way, His Way, i am tHis animal welfare advocate for God. My ducky friend has a life-long friend in me, one who will champion tHis cause of every tear and every grim (BOTH). When i hold to tHis Way, i hold to His Way to heal tHis hurting of “tHis least of these.” i gladly champion tHis animal weflare advocate cause. Why? BE”cause” it is tHis cause God has called me by and for (BOTH) tHis Way. i pray all of tHis in the Wonderful and Precious and IN ME Name of Jesus Christ, tHis Name above every other name, including my own name. tHis prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are ONLY My Way. Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i cope to hope [BOTH] in tHis Way….His Way, tHis animal welfare advocate cause, BE’cause’ i champion tHis cause His Way, tHis daily leavened bread” [okay, now you can tHis breathe! 😉)

in tHis way, you climb His Way to Upright.

in tHis way, you endure His Way to Good.

His Way, tHis way, you manage by His Might.

His Way, tHis way, you connect for tHis Could.

in tHis way, i soar His Way to Upright.

in tHis way, i persist His Way to Good.

His Way, tHis Way, i love me by tHis Light.

His Way, tHis Way, i witness for tHis Would.

“in tHis way, My Way is to hold them near,”

says Jesus. “in tHis Way, it’s ME in them.

they hold My Way to Truth their every tear.

they hold My Way to Grace their every grim.”

Let’s face it! we’re messy throughout the day.

Let’s face Him! we’re Clean in tHis way….His Way.

(picture by photographer, Karo Kujanpaa, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/3lM5a5udTPg)

DiVine Passed On Down The Vine

blue berries on brown stick
Father God, thank You that we are DiVine passed on down the Vine. This God Sonnet was inspired by the Bible Verse: “His Divine Power has given to us all things that pertain to life and Godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by Glory and Virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly Great and Precious Promises, that through These you may be partakers of the Divine Nature” (2 Peter 1:34). This God Sonnet was also inspired by the Bible Verse: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). This God Sonnet, now at Three, was also inspired by the Bible Verse: “I AM the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). “Much fruit,” as in the 9 Fruit of the Spirit (see picture), now the 4th of Bible Verses (Galatians 5:22-23). First, Word. Next, You. Then, Your Son and our Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. Now, we’re partakers and devotees (BOTH) of Three DiVine. Now, payee (we’re paying back DiVine all things) and draftee (we’re drafting forward DiVine all things) of Three DiVine. Apart from all things Three DiVine, we are unFree. On a more personal note, Father God, please don’t let me (branch) fall off of Gloried Vine (Jesus). Please let me partake and devote (BOTH) my life to the 9 Fruit of the Spirit while remaining Glory and Virtue (BOTH) on the Gloried Vine. I can often feel that I can do all things exceedingly “Vineless.” Please let me do all things exceedingly Glory and Virtue (BOTH), Great and Precious (BOTH) Promises, while remaining on the Gloried Vine. i pray all of this in the Wonderful and Precious and DiVine Name of Jesus Christ, the DiVine Name above every other vine down here, including my own vine. This prayer is answered by my faith and my belief. Please help me, Father God, where my faith and my belief are “Vineless.” Amen.

(God’s Sonnet by timothy j. verret; “it’s how i cope to hope [BOTH] in Three DiVine [Word, God, Me], me branch, apart from DiVine nothing, this daily leavened bread.”)

you are DiVine that’s passed on down the Vine.

First, Word. Next, God. Then, Jesus. Now, you’re Three.

you are now partaker of Three DiVine.

you are now promised down the Vine payee.

i am DiVine that’s passed on down the Vine.

First, Word. Next, God. Then, Jesus. Now, i’m Three.

i am now devotee of Three DiVine.

i am now destined down the Vine draftee.

“they are My DiVine passed on down the Vine,”

says Jesus. “Word, God, Me: The DiVine Three.

they are now given all things Gloried Vine.

I AM Vine, they are branch, apart unFree.”

There are no three down here who can outShine

Word, God, Me: DiVine passed on down the Vine.

(picture by photographer, summertrain, available for free without copyright laws at https://unsplash.com/photos/nh1u-SDBTHY)